Field Notes

Holy Bat Signal - It’s Batman Week at RSVLTS!

We’ll say it again: Holy RSVLTS Batman Week, Batman! 

In honor of the 85th Anniversary of the legendary Dark Knight figure, as well as throwing a little love toward some character on-screen appearances over the years, we couldn’t be more thrilled to announce the first of two Batman x RSVLTS 2024 Collections to be released this week. 

All things considered - and similar to what we’ve done for other similar, large collection drops - we felt there was just too much Bat-heat for one massive release, so we divided the gear into two collections to hit throughout the week.

The first, today (2/20), features designs and artwork as seen from select on-screen appearances (television and film); the second, on Thursday (2/22), will center around some additional comicbook based artwork. 

Tuesday's first three shirt KUNUFLEX™ collection release - “Property of Wayne Enterprises,” "Penguin Pop,” and “Kapow! Bonk! Thwack!” - are all available in classic (unisex) button-down styles, with the latter design also in women’s style/sizes. 

And since it’s an entire commemorative week, obviously this means another set of Batman button-downs were released on Thursday (2/22) -  “Last Laugh,” "I Am Vengeance” and “Gotham Graffiti” - all available in classic (unisex) button-down styles, with the latter two designs also in women’s style/sizes. 

So dust off the ol’ Batmobile, give the Bat Signal a new megawatt lightbulb and get your utility belts ready - lookbook for today’s launch shown below and we’ll also update this post accordingly on Thursday 2/22 at 4:00pm ET!