RSVLTS x Stone Cold "3:16 Day" Stunner Drop

Welp, we stone cold went and did it.

We just had to on an off-launch day, but considering all the recent news about the Texas Rattlesnake’s comeback at this year's Wrestlemania, it was impossible NOT to rerelease one of our more unique product offerings (pics at bottom) and another Stone Cold item on the most glorious of all calendar occasions: 3:16 Day. 

Furthermore, in honor of one of the wrestling greats and on his national holiday and all his crowing achievements, we present thee with the top 10 most badass Stone Cold Steve Austin moments of all-time…be sure to click each headline to watch all the incredible theatrics too! 

Austin Stuns Everyone (video) 

During the time of the legendary WCW/ECW invasion, the tensions were high and all possible things came to a head on the night of July 16, 2001. On this night the star-studded WWE roster was overwhelmed by both WCW and ECW’s finest, all in an attempt to take over “Monday Night Raw.” After a heated exchange with Vince, the Texas Rattlesnake left the arena to throw back a few cold ones at a bar nearby. As he sat and quenched his thirst, the TV changed to “Raw” and he witnessed his fellow roster mates being decimated. After a brief bit of contemplation, he could no longer bear witness, so he booked it to the arena and proceeded to stun everyone in sight, thus creating one of the most badass moments in wrestling history! 

Zamboni Clothesline (video)

I’m not sure what impresses me more, the sheer destruction that ensued or the near flawless clothesline off of the top of the zamboni. Either way this is classic Stone Cold and deserving of a spot on this list. After being double-pinned by both Kane and Undertaker at Breakdown, Austin was not ready to let go of the title so quickly the following night on “Raw.” In true Austin fashion, he commandeered the arena’s zamboni and gunned it straight to ringside. With a horde of police in tow, Austin crashed into the ring at full speed, only to jump onto the zamboni’s hood and deliver a punishing clothesline to Vince followed by a barrage of punishing blows before the officers threw him in handcuffs. 

Birth of Attitude Era (video)

The writing was on the wall for Stone Cold from the very beginning, so it would only be a matter of time before he would get his big shot. Those stars would align at “King of the Ring” in 1996, a moment that proved the wrestling world would never be the same. After putting on quite a display in the ring, Austin was able to defeat Jake “The Snake” Roberts to finally capture the title belt. During a post match interview, we were given one of the most iconic wrestling lines to date that little did we know, would usher in a new era. Austin’s stardom was on the rise and we were all witness to the rest. This iconic night in history gave birth to one of the best eras of wrestling: The Attitude Era.  “Austin 3:16 says I just whooped your ass!”

The Corporate Beer Bath (video)

Who would've thought one of the most memorable Attitude Era moments started with just a pre-match beer. Anytime you had Stone Cold up against The Corporation, you knew you were going to be in for a real treat, both in and out of the ring. With tensions running high, Austin thought it was time everyone cooled down a bit. In true Stone Cold fashion, Austin barreled down to the ring riding a Coors Light beer truck and provided us with some signature Stone Cold badassery. Within moments of his arrival, a full-blown beer bath of epic proportions was unleashed, a shower that everyone in the ring and front row would leave forever regretting not bringing some emergency ponchos that evening.

Cement in the Corvette (video)

Austin and Vince McMahon’s feud was equal parts hilarious and extreme. Our next moment came just weeks after Stone Cold had paid a friendly visit to Vince in the hospital. As the feud continued, Austin decided to kick things up a notch by filling up McMahon’s prized Corvette to the brim with cement. It was always the final popping of the window and back windshield that got me once the Vette was filled to the top. I’m sure it was also just one in a long line of classic Corvettes that Vince had at his disposal, but we all hilariously hate to see it nonetheless. 

Paging Dr. Austin (video)

Yet another installment in the saga of Vince/Austin makes its way on this list. This time it came live from Vince’s hospital room. It was clear Vince was ready to return home after injuring his ankle. Visits from the likes of Mankind and Mr. Socko had Vince ready to reach his boiling point. During a routine checking of his blood pressure, the nurse asked her fellow Doctor to come take a look. Much to Vince’s dismay Austin was here to provide the checkup. A bedpan hit to the head and a few jolts from a defibrillator later and Vince was down for the count. 

Stone Cold Blows Up DX Express (video)

I was a bit torn over this one as a child. I was a rabid DX fan like most others but still had an undying love for Stone Cold. It was late April in 2000 and the McMahon/Helmsley faction reigned supreme. HHH was gearing up for a title match with The Rock at the upcoming Backlash PPV, all set for the following Sunday. The Rock had promised a Stone Cold return so the antennas were up for the McMahon/Helmsley faction. Austin had been off the grid since being run over by a car at the previous Survivor Series so no one expected a return on Smackdown. To everyone’s surprise Austin rolled in manning a crane that was dangling a concrete barrier over the prized DX express. As the crane dropped and the DX express exploded, a part of me wept while the other rejoiced. As commentator Michael Cole said it was truly “vintage Austin!”

CEO-Hell Yeah! (video)

This one hit close to home for me. Growing up it was always awesome to drive by the WWE headquarters and even sometimes get lucky to see some of the superstars frequenting local establishments. But nothing was cooler than seeing the Texas Rattlesnake take over the main office and wreak havoc throughout the day. From getting the front desk receptionist to change her greeting to “Who the hell is this?” to turning an early morning board meeting into a drinking contest, he had every angle covered. To end the day he thought since he thought there wasn't enough BS in Vince’s office he took it upon himself and had wheel barrels of manure rolled in and emptied on the floor. 

Monster Truck Funeral Crashing (video)

I am sure you are seeing the common theme to these moments by now. Our next moment saw the Texas Rattlesnake rise from the dead to crash his own funeral. After The Rock “heaved” Austin off of a bridge, we were made to believe that Austin had perished. No one saw what was coming the following Monday on Raw…….nobody at all. 

Stunner Heard Around the World (video)

In what would be the first of many stunners doled out at Vince's expense, this was the one that started it all. The inaugural McMahon stunner that would help fuel one of WWE's best feuds. Everything about this was amazing except for the actual stunner itself. I don't blame Stone Cold at all for this failed execution as a lot of the blame laid with Vince, but I'm sure all of us enjoyed watching Vince flail around like a fish out of water.  
